Power Apps Employee Engagement Survey Example
This Power Apps article is explaining to us how to create a new PowerApps form using the Employee Engagement Survey template. Here we will also see how to add controls to the Employee Engagement Survey template with Power Apps.
Here we create an Employee Engagement Servey app template to create a Power Apps form. We will be using a timer control on the PowerApps form. Here, we will see how to add the timer for each screen in the designer page, so that the pages are navigating automatically based on the timer.
First, Sign in with your credentials in "PowerApps.com". Go to the App launcher-> Click on the Apps. Next click on Create an app -> click on Canvas.
In the App template, all the Power Apps sample templates are available. Select App template -> click on Phone layout.
Select the Employee Engagement Survey from the list of PowerApps templates. Next Click on Use.
Before going to use the Employee Engagement Survey, we need to know What is an Employee Engagment Survery template.
The Power Apps Employee Engagement Survey template is a sample template provided by Microsoft in Power Apps. The Employee Engagement Survey template consists of 5 questions, we can Share with employees of our organization to get their feedback.
We now have loaded the base "Employee Engagement Survey" template.
Now we will add timer controls to the PowerApps Employee engagement survey form. Here we want to set the time duration using the time control for each question. After 30 seconds we will see the next question. From one question to the next question, the time interval is 30 seconds.
To do that follow the below steps.
Select Question_1 from the left panel, Select Insert tab, and then Click on Timer from the Controls.
To add the controls select the Question, Select Insert and click on Label from the Text control.
Rename "Question_1" to "Question1". In the Label control in the Text properties, add the rule "Next question will come after 30 second "&RoundUp(30-TimerForQuestion1.value/1000,0)&"sec". The TimerForQuestion1 is the name for Timer control we have renamed the Timer control.
Now, I have set the duration time to 30 seconds in the formula bar for the Duration property.
In the Timer control I have set the Value true for the Autostart property.
Select OnTimeEnd property of Timer control and set the rule as "Navigate(Question2,Fade)".
To hide the Time controller set the Visible property to False. Now the timer control will hide for the Question1.
Output-1: The Output screen will look like below. Click on Get started.
Output-2: Click on Next button for the Question1.
Output-3: After 30 seconds the page will move to the second question.
Output-4: Submit the value and click on Next.
Output-5: Submit the value and click on Next.
Output-6: Submit the value and click on Next.
Output-7: Enter comments in the text box and give rating to this app.
The feedback will store in the data source connection. Check the data source connection from the view. Here my data source connection is in one drive so the feedback will save to OneDrive.